On the Wind

Valkyn - He/Him - Fae

He/Him - Pansexual - Genderless Male - Ageless/Ancient - Fae
I'm Valkyn. I'm a headmate in an endogenic system, and a voluntary protector.
I'm Elven. One among many kintypes, but also my default way of being, particularly this life. I don't think its a shift, since it's simply default. I'll talk about that more on the Kintypes page.I'm spiritual, very connected to nature, art, and music. I have a connection to Cernunnos, but am not currently involved with him. Even though I don't identify with humanity, I love them. I love to be social and meet people, learn about them. I try to be kind, but I do not adhere to human morals, only my own personal concept of right and wrong. My beliefs are my own and I won't join a human group of moral standard.

Do not interact if:

-You're involved in purity culture/callout culture/the moral police
-That means if you're always trying to label someone as problematic or unproblematic, I'd rather not engage you at all. Human beings are complex, we are all problematic.
-On both sides of the spectrum, I dont want to talk with anyone who passes judgement based on someones sexuality, gender, race, etc. In every sense of it.
-This also includes "justified" judgement. I don't want to talk to anyone who fills themselves with hatred for any group. Men, women, nonbinary, white, any other ethnicity, any sexuality, this even includes maps and ship drama, yes.Trauma and oppression does not make you the judge of all human beings, especially when those human beings are not harming anyone.

Otherkin: Elven - Fae

I don't know much about the origin of this kintype, just that its my strongest. I connect it the most to the Norse Yggdrasil at the moment, though it could also be tied to English mythology. I miss my kin very much, its been a large source of longing and pain for me. We need each other, a lonely elf is a very sad thing.I'm mostly likly a Wood Elf sort. I don't particularly feel Seelie or Unseelie, I'm not sure which I would be categorized as. For courts, I'm also unsure, but believe I would be in the transitional courts; Spring or Fall.I don't believe we had a lifespan, we simply existed as beings of energy. If we died, it would be that we somehow lost the energy to remain.I remember trees so big that the large trees I see now look like babies.I do not hate humans, though I see why many of my kind do. I just feel sad for them, you are so much freer than you let yourself be. Its a very sad, self inflicted entrapment. I want better for you.


Lindel - The Ancient Magus Bride
Link - Multiple lives
Kusuriuri - Mononoke
